Presenting Sponsor

HOTEL INFORMATION A block of rooms has been reserved at the Marriott Griffin Gate Resort. You may make your reservations by calling the Marriott reservation line at 800.228.9290. You must mention KGA Expo. Alternately, you may register online. Book your group rate for Kentucky Gas Association Expo 2022
President, President Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, and 2nd Year Affiliate Member
The Executive Committee (President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Immediate-Past President, 2nd Year Affiliate, and Treasurer) will meet at 9:00 A.M., EDT, with the full Board convening at 10:00 A.M.
The chairs of the KGA standing committees are urged to attend this meeting. If you are not able to attend, please forward a report for your committee to be given on your behalf or designate another individual on your committee to attend in your stead.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Marriott Griffin Gate Resort at the special rate of $109 plus tax (resort fee will be waived). You may make your reservations by calling the Marriott reservation line at 800.228.9290. You must mention Kentucky Gas Association (KGA) to receive the $109 rate. Alternately, you may register online using the link. Book Your Group Rate for KY Gas Showcase Here
Thanks to our Presenting Sponsor:

Click the following link to register for the Annual Showcase. When you have completed the form, click the “Submit Registration” button to be directed to PayPal, our preferred payment option.
When you have completed the form, click the “Submit Registration” button to be directed to PayPal, our preferred payment option.
Presenting Sponsor

HOTEL INFORMATION A block of rooms has been secured at the Embassy Suites across the highway from the Marriott at a rate of $139 plus tax. This rate includes Embassy’s “cooked to order” breakfast. Use the link KY GAS ASSOCIATION to secure the $139 rate at the Embassy.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Embassy Suites at the special rate of $139 plus tax. You may reserve a room by calling the Embassy at 1-800-EMBASSY (you must mention Kentucky Gas Association / KGA Showcase to receive the $139 rate)
or online using the link KY Gas Association Showcase
Please make sure your dues have been paid for the 2023 – 24 fiscal year in order to receive member pricing.
Click the following link to register for the Annual Showcase. When you have completed the form, click the “Submit Registration” button to be directed to PayPal, our preferred payment option.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Embassy Suites at the special rate of $142 plus tax. You may reserve a room by calling the Embassy at 1-800-EMBASSY (you must mention Kentucky Gas Association / KGA Showcase to receive the $142 rate)
or online using the link KGA Showcase
Special Thanks to our Sponsors:
Presenting Sponsor
President’s Reception Sponsor
Luncheon Sponsor

Please make sure your dues have been paid for the 2024 – 2025 fiscal year in order to receive Member Pricing.
Join us for a compliance review session via video teleconference with Melissa Holbrook, KY PSC Gas Program Manager, as she covers CFR Part 192 compliance requirements and updates. This session is a great opportunity to refresh your understanding of the inspection process and ensure compliance with the latest regulations. Bring your questions and engage in a discussion to enhance your compliance knowledge.
Public Access & Notification
In compliance with KRS 61.826, the meeting notice must clearly state that the session will be a video teleconference and include instructions for public or media access.
Panelist: Melissa Holbrook, Assistant Director
Presenting Sponsor

Welcome Reception Sponsor

Hotel Key Card Sponsor

Luncheon Sponsor

Event App Sponsor

Diamond Sponsors
Atmos Energy
Consolidated Pipe & Supply
Platinum Sponsors
EnSite USA, Inc.
Gold Sponsors
Industrial Training Services, Inc.
JM Test Systems
Louisville Gas & Electric
Symmetry Energy Solutions
Silver Sponsors
Gresham Smith
Irby Utilities
ISCO Industries
Kentucky 811
Martin Gas, Inc.
Master Controls, Inc.
Precision Pipeline Equipment, Inc.
Walker Technical Sales, Inc.
Bronze Sponsors
Accumet Corporation
Advanced Control Panels
Blue Tank and Pump Rental
Central Service Association
EGW Utility Solutions
Integrity Solutions Field Services
Morain Sales & Service
On The Spot Utility Resources, LLC
Pipeline Conditioning, LLC
Seiler Geospatial
Southern Cathodic Protection
T.D. Williamson
Timberline Tool
Tri-State Meter and Regulator
Hotel Information
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Marriott Griffin Gate Resort at a rate of $135 plus tax. You may reserve a room by calling the Marriott reservation line at 800.228.9290 (you must mention Kentucky Gas Association/KGA Expo to receive the $135 rate) or Book Your Room Here
Photography Release
As part of your membership of KGA or registration for a KGA event, you are granting permission for any pictures, taken during a KGA meeting or event, that you may appear in to be used in KGA promotional materials, either printed or on KGA social media. If you do not agree for your photo to be used by KGA you will need to contact Nancy Morton to withdraw this permission.