Since 1967, the Kentucky Gas Association has been supporting has been the collaborative voice of the natural gas industry in the Commonwealth. We continue this mission today while also serving our members as their partner in promotion and resource for industry-specific training.
The Association is governed by a Board of Directors and managed by an Executive Director and nine standing Committees filled with industry specialists of member companies. Members are encouraged to become involved with one or more of the KGA committees.

Provides leadership and professionalism through educational and training opportunities which improve industry safety, customer service and natural gas efficiency.

Promotes alliance among members of the natural gas industry in Kentucky and to disseminate industry related information and technical data.

Advances and promotes safety in areas of production, transmission, distribution, and sale of and use of natural gas.

Advances public knowledge, confidence, and goodwill toward the industry.

Enhances the effectiveness of gas industry personnel through educational programs and the sharing of technical information between member groups.

Develops personal contacts and relationships among counter parts of member companies for mutual benefit in developing new and better methods and solutions to common problems.

Partners with the Kentucky Public Service Commission to ensure workshops are suited to best meet the needs of the membership.

Monitors legislation in the Commonwealth and work to educate the membership about legislation that pertains to the natural gas community.
In addition to these benefits, members receive reduced registration pricing to attend workshops, seminars, conferences and other KGA events and training events tailored to the natural gas industry which offers professionals of all levels the unique opportunity to learn from some of the industry’s leading experts and network with other professionals in their field. Members are also provided with display opportunities at Expo, Showcase, Annual Meeting and various seminars. Members are provided access to the Members Only section of the KGA website and Membership Directory with contact information for all KGA Members.

To do so, simply click the “Join or Renew Membership” button below, and follow the easy steps. We are very much looking forward to working with you, and a KGA Representative will be happy to further discuss your membership.

P.O. Box 29 • Murray, Kentucky 42071
Toll-Free: 800.455.9427 • Phone: 270.293.1101 • Fax: 270.489.0061